Phallic action

I’d more or less given up on egregious amorphophallus konjac when to my excitement I spotted that it had sent up a couple of side shoots –

As for the rest, well, it’s sunny so i’m taking pictures.
Sails –
I’ve moved the larger pots out of the greenhouse, like this tetrapanax, the same one that was palmed off on me for free because it looked knackered. That’s one battle I won.

2 thoughts on “Phallic action

    1. Thanks! That’s a tray of agave seedlings in the background, you might be pleased to hear. Though maybe i’ll have to come back to them in, er, five years time before they are worth a proper look in their own right.

      I see you posted about opuntia, I was so surprised to see one of mine flower. Clearly I shouldn’t be. O. subulata has done exactly nothing at all though.

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